

Helsingin Sanomien uutisen
mukaan Suomen ympäristönsuojelutoiminta on arvioitu maailman
kolmanneksi merkittävimmäksi, Uuden-Seelannin ja Ruotsin jälkeen.
Kuulin eilen uutisista, että Alankomaat on tuolla samalla listalla
numero 27, eli yhden pykälän parempi Yhdysvaltoja. Jee.

Tässä muuten englanniksi Verdonkin upea idea (niille, jotka eivät uskoneet aikaisemmin):

Telegraphin artikkeli

code of conduct requiring that Dutch be the only language spoken in
Holland's streets is being considered by the Right-wing minister for

announcement by Rita Verdonk of the VVD Liberal Coalition Party caused
uproar among her Left-wing colleagues in the ruling coalition and some
party colleagues.

subsequently back-pedalled but political insiders believe she is deadly
serious. The Netherlands has more than two million immigrants, mainly
from Morocco and the former Dutch colonies, Surinam and Curacao.

her speech at the weekend she said: "Speaking Dutch in public is very
important. I get a great deal of mail from the public saying they feel
unsafe on the streets of our cities."

minister believes that hearing their own language would reduce the
"threatening atmosphere" felt by many inner-city dwellers.

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