
Vaarallisen työn lisää?

H sai työsähköpostia:

Vanwege de harde wind wordt u gewaarschuwd voor gevaarlijke situaties
die vooral rond het gebouw van EWI kunnen ontstaan. Fietsers wordt
geadviseerd af te stappen en net als voetgangers de overzijde
(TNW/CiTG-zijde) van de Mekelweg te kiezen.

Due to extremely powerful gusts of wind, please notice dangerous
situations may occur around the building of EWI (faculty of Electrical
Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science). People are advised to
step off their bikes and to walk across the street (on the side of the
faculty of Applied Sciences / faculty of Civil Engineering &
Geosciences) of the Mekelweg.

Edit: vielä paranee

Due to extremely powerful gusts of wind, the autohorities have ordered
the immediate closing of the parking lots in front of the faculty of
Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) and the Mekelweg near the
faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science and

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